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Study programs for refugees

Information for refugees studying at THU

A warm welcome to students from Ukraine!

THU offers interested Ukrainian students options to study, without too much bureaucracy.
An application is possible onto our English language programs and onto our German degree programs.
If you have any questions, please contact us via 

English language bachelor's degree programs
English language programs for exchange students
German language bachelor's degree programs and German language Master's degree programs

Українські студенти запрошуються на навчання

Університет прикладних наук в Ульмі (Technische Hochschule Ulm) пропонує зацікавленим українським студентам можливість продовжити навчання за спрощеною системою вступу. Прийом на навчання здійснюється на програми з англійською та німецькою мовами викладання. Детальну інформацію можна отримати за електронною адресою 

Освітня програма (бакалавр) з англійською мовою викладання
Освітня програма для студентів по обміну з англійською мовою викладання
Освітні програми з німецькою мовою викладання

Studying if you are a recognized refugee

As a matter of principle, recognized refugees have (if the admissions requirements are fulfilled) access to the study places on the regionally-limited degree programs – as part of the legal quota for foreign citizens and stateless people.

Furthermore, you have the option of enrolling as a guest student. However, this can only be recommended if you have sufficient knowledge of the German language.

Most of the degree courses at Ulm University of Applied Sciences take place in German. Therefore, to be accepted onto a degree program, you need to have good knowledge of the German language. The following degree programs are taught entirely in English:




Application Requirements

Before you can start a degree program with us at Ulm University of Applied Sciences, your school/university certificates must first be recognized by the German education system. So please contact the Studienkolleg in Konstanz first, to get your foreign certificates officially recognized. They will check your documents to see if you fulfill the requirements for studying at a University of Applied Sciences in Baden-Württemberg and your school grades will be converted into German education system grades. Your certificate of proficiency in German will also be checked and, if necessary, recognized there. If you are interested in the degree program Computer Science, please send your application documents (officially certified copies) to the Students' Service Center (SSC) by June 1.

Linguistic and Cultural Preparation Semester for Prospective International Students

Ulm University, Ulm University of Applied Sciences and Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences offer a preparatory semester for prospective international students interested in a German language degree program. Intensive language training – as well as subject-specific preparation and information about learning strategies – will help you prepare for your Bachelor's degree course.

You will need to provide proof of a recognized language qualification for university entrance to enroll on a degree program which is taught in German. As part of the preparation semester, you can take part in a B2 German language course and/or a DSH preparatory course (the DSH is a German language exam for admission to higher education for prospective international students).

You can find more information about the contents, prerequisites and submitting an application from Ulm University.

Language Courses

A good knowledge of German is essential for studying in the German higher education system. The city of Ulm also offers a variety of language courses.


Please contact Student Services (SSC) for all questions about applying to study at Ulm University of Applied Sciences.

Further Information

Students' Service Centre
Room: E09a
Prittwitzstraße 10
89075 Ulm
Fon: +49 731 96537-700
