People - Practice - Science
As an attractive and modern employer, THU offers:
- Flexible hours with diverse options for working part-time, remote working, leaves of absence and special leave
- Standard, collectively agreed pay or a statutory civil service salary
- Occupational pension through the Federal and State Government Employees Retirement Fund (Versorgungsanstalt des Bundes und der Länder)
- Secure employment
- Reduced meal prices in the Mensa
- A Jobticket with a supplement paid by the State Office for Salaries and Benefits (Landesamt für Besoldung und Versorgung)
- A wide range of staff development activities (find out more about staff development at THU here)
- Comprehensive occupational health management system (find out more about our health-focused University of Applied Sciences here)
- A family-friendly working atmosphere and environment (for more information, click here)